Comparative Metabolic
Physiology Lab
Paola Geronimo
M.Sc. Student
B.Sc. University of Winnipeg Project: Plastics and metabolism in waxworm
Like: Sketching, baking, gaming
Dislike: Soggy pizza
Superpower: Waxworm whisperer
Hillary Derewianchuk
B.Sc. student.
Project: Food waste, plastics, and nutrients in waxworms
Like: Hiking, pancakes, dogs, star wars band aids
Dislike: Misbehaving waxworms
Superpower: Plastic supermelter
Ana Borrego
Postdoctoral researcher
B.Sc., M.Sc., Ph.D. University of Cordoba
Project: Multiplex approach for
pathogenic molecular diagnostics.
Like: Chai tea, Spanish guitar
Dislike: Long-haul flights, mosquitoes in the lab
Superpower: Primer design magician
Brett Chrest
B.Sc. student
Project: Waxworm in the diet of adult zebrafish
Like: Juggling, acrobatics
Dislike: Wet fish
Superpower: Pipette-on-fire juggler